SAM de clercq

Sam De Clercq is an antwerp-based musician and artist, creating Musically through various projects (bontridders, brorlab & Félicette) and creating visual works under their own name.

On this site, you can find more info on me and my different projects. If you want to book me with any of these projects, you can do so through the email button in the top-right of this website.



bontridders is my solo electronic music project, in which I aspire to subvert certain pop conventions. I was one of the winners of Absolutely Free Festival’s “TRAP HET AFF!” 2022 contest.

I am currently working on a new live set and an upcoming EP on the Toverberg label.



I’m the vocalist of Brorlab, my drumcomputerband together with Rafael Valles Hilario (Tuff Guac, Moar) and Casper de Geus (vlerk, Moar, Milk TV). We’ve released our first, self-titled EP on Dennis Tyfus’ Ultra Eczema label.

We will release a new EP later this year.



Credit: Florian Meersman

Félicette is a project I started in 2023. It's focused around sound experiments and connecting nostalgia to certain physical media and objects. It's parts turntablism, parts intimate ambient songs with small chants.

I am further developing this project during my residence at De Bosacademie in Antwerp during August 2023.



Under my own name I have made video work: animated as well as fictive, mostly during my studies at Luca School of Arts Brussels. Some have resulted in video clips (for example Frankie Traandruppel’s Life Inside a Rocket). My stop motion short film MAGPIE, MAGPIE (2020) made the SCUM 2022 official selection.